Tilde Server Response

Trying out things on a Tilde server was a rather unique experience for me, primarly because it involves the command line and GIT, both of which I have a little experience using. Using the commands is something I've always had trouble with due to the fact that I need to remember how sort of input to type in order to do a task instead of just clicking on or doing a single input. With the help of others, I was able to navigate and use git to play around in the tilde server we have.

So first, what I managed to do was to to speak generally, and as it turns out, you need to type a input before typing out what you want to say. Can't say I'm used to doing that when all my life I've just typed what I wanted to say, and then just click post or 'enter'. Took some getting used to, but I managed.

One interesting thing I did in the tilde server was play Tetris. I haven't played Tetris in the longest, and I also wasn't used to the control scheme, so it took awhile to get used to. It was fun playing it, even if the graphics were a bit old.